Friday, December 3, 2010

A couple of news articles to check out: bate/2010/12/02/what-is-a-college-degree-worth-in-china?ref=world.

This is about college graduates in China and how they typically earn very low wages in jobs, despite rapid growth in the economy. Includes comments by readers.

This one is about Vladimir Putin’s response to the U.S. criticism of Wiki links. Putin really rips into the U.S. about its inability to accept criticism.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Time to eat some bugs?

So, last night we watched Man vs. Wild for three consecutive hours. Sometime between hour one and three an idea was born: Why don't we do something like this? Afterall, we're pretty manly, right? At least a little bit. This morning, over a manly breakfast of orange cinnamon rolls, Jeff and Andrew worked out the details for spring's upcoming: "Men vs Wild." Here's the gist of it: Some Monday this spring Jeff and Andrew (and any other roommates we can convince to come with us) will be blindfolded and driven up Hobble Creek Canyon. We will get out of the car and sit as it drives off until we can no longer hear it. Then we will take off our blindfolds and begin our challenge. Equipped only with some non-perishable food items, sleeping bags, knives, and a camera to document the journey, we will try to make our way back to Provo over the course of a week. This, of course, is only the first episode of "Men vs Wild." We are planning a Moab version as well.

Stay tuned for future updates, and let us know what you think. This is gonna be awesome.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Poll!

This one may take some esplainin' as Ricky Ricardo would say. For whatever reason, we started making... "improvements" to Rob's name. Not that it's a bad name. It's a great name. A handsome name. Fitting for a lady-killer like Rob.

Anyway, we've posted our favorite alterations of Rob's name - or "Robisms" as they have come to be known - for your voting pleasure*.

At the closing of the poll, Rob has agreed to legally change his name to the winning Robism***.

*Must be at least 18 years of age to vote**.
**That's a lie.
***Also a lie.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Cannon

After it was discovered that John-boy was to leave on a mission trip for his church, it became apparent that somebody would be needed to fill the vacancy.

After several applications were submitted and reviewed for the position, Gee-off's older and taller, yet less wise and less responsible brother submitted his. He knew it would have to be good to win the coveted spot in Cell Block 302 A, so he decided to apply via video format.

Well here it is.

After watching it should be no surprise he was finally selected to fill the vacancy.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Jonny's mission trip for his church.

Jonny is leaving us. It makes us really sad. He has been a lot of fun. He is going on a mission trip for his church for two years, so we'll see how that works for him...

Jonny has been an awesome roommate. He's the one we can get to do fun things like he is a dog or something. He helped us come up with the slave ship, upside-down pull-ups, pougar attacks, and the crazy head game. Now he's going to go to Argentina and share those fun things with the Argentinians... Argentines... People from Argentina...

Everyone who loves Jonny ought to give him a shout-out here. Give him some love. We'll probably keep people posted every now and then on here on how his mission trip is going.

Now, even though Jonny is moving out, it doesn't mean the fun has to stop. We have a cool kid named Dan coming in. He is actually Geoff's older brother. He's 28 and single, ladies.

Jonny can't be replaced, but Dan will be okay.

Bye, Jon.