Jonny has been an awesome roommate. He's the one we can get to do fun things like he is a dog or something. He helped us come up with the slave ship, upside-down pull-ups, pougar attacks, and the crazy head game. Now he's going to go to Argentina and share those fun things with the Argentinians... Argentines... People from Argentina...
Everyone who loves Jonny ought to give him a shout-out here. Give him some love. We'll probably keep people posted every now and then on here on how his mission trip is going.
Now, even though Jonny is moving out, it doesn't mean the fun has to stop. We have a cool kid named Dan coming in. He is actually Geoff's older brother. He's 28 and single, ladies.
Jonny can't be replaced, but Dan will be okay.
Bye, Jon.
I love you Jonathan!!! I miss you dearly. Already. Sigh. Good luck!